Subscription Fees for
Association Members
There are four categories of membership for Association Members:
Countries which produce less than 250 million liters of juice and/or an equivalent of raw material or have an annual per capita of less than 5 liters *Yearly subscription fee: 1.100€
Votes in the Assembly of Delegates: 6
Countries which produce from 250 to 750 million liters of juice and/or an equivalent of raw material or have an annual per capita consumption from 5 to 10 liters *
Yearly subscription fee: 2.200€
Votes in the Assembly of Delegates: 9
Countries which produce from 750 to 1,500 million liters of juice and/or an equivalent of raw material or have an annual per capita consumption from 10 to 15 liters *Yearly subscription fee: 3.850€Votes in the Assembly of Delegates: 12
Countries which produce more than 1,500 million liters of juice and/or an equivalent of raw material or have an annual per capitaconsumption of more than 15 liters *
Yearly subscription fee: 5.500€Votes in the Assembly of Delegates: 15
* If an association falls with production into one category, but with consumption into another one, it can choose its category and therefor the membership fee (for instance a country which produces 800 million liters and has a consumption from 5 to 10 liters/year/capita can pay a yearly subscription fee of 2.200€, eligible for 9 votes – or 3.850€, eligible for 12 votes).
Financial Benefits for Association Members
IFU Methods:
As association, you receive unlimited subscriptions for your employees.
Members of your association can use the IFU methods and pay only
a yearly fee of 599€ per person for the entire collection of the IFU Methods of Analysis (instead of 2.000€ for non-members).
a yearly fee of 79€ per person for single methods (instead of 249€ for non-members).
Discounts for Juice Summit and workshops for all employees of your association.
Discounts for marketing agencies, suppliers and laboratories:
10 % discount on the base price of all services of GfL Gesellschaft für Lebensmittel-Forschung**
GfL is a private counselling and service company which is autonomously and independently active for the entire foodprovides fast, qualified analyses and capable consultancy.
10 % discount on the base price of all services of Canadean**.
** certain conditions apply