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Who's Who




Dirk Lansbergen became President of IFU in October 2014. The President is the highest elected position within the IFU. In collaboration with the board (Executive Committee) he determines the objectives and strategy of the Association and gives direction to the Executive Director.


Dirk started his career in the juice industry in 1993 and has since worked in various positions in different companies in Italy, Germany, Argentina and USA. He is currently commercial director of Citrosuco, and is based in Vienna, Austria. Dirk holds a bachelor in economics and a master in finance & accountancy.


Executive Director

John was appointed Executive Director in July 2015. The Executive Director is responsible for the management of the IFU as delegated by the Board (Executive Committee). He is in charge of the co-ordination of all activities and its Commissions. The ED develops the membership base of the organisation, publicising and promoting activities both within the IFU as well as with external bodies.  He represents the Association and its members with other organisations, industry, Governments, public agencies, media and the public.

John has held various technical and industry association positons within the juice industry for over 27 years. He graduated with an honours degree in food technology in 1988.


Vice President

Kees Cools has been a member of IFU`s executive committee since 2005. Currently, he is IFU`s Vice President and allows the members to take advantage of his century-long expertise in the food and beverage market.


Today as an executive director of the Döhler Group, Kees is responsible for the company`s business unit Fruits & Vegetables which requires close and frequent contact with key people in the global ‘’Juice‘’ world, involving raw material producers, Juice beverage bottlers and consumer & retail marketing specialists.





Klaus Heitlinger was appointed Treasurer in October 2014 after being 2  years member of the Board.

Klaus is a graduate engineer in agriculture. He started his career in 1991. He was 14 years subject specialist on fruit juice, wine, cattle and meat at the Association of Agricultural Trade and Industry, Stuttgart. Since October 2008 he is managing director of the Association of the German Fruit Juice Industry, Bonn.  



Legislation Commission Chair


Romana Vanova-Hrncirik joined the IFU in 2008.

Romana is currently a chairperson of the Commission for Legislation (CL) after previously serving as a vice chair-person. She represents the CL in the Executive Board. Her main responsibilities are to facilitate discussion among subject matter experts in the CL and ensure that the CL operates effectively for the best interest of the international fruit & vegetable juice sector.

In addition to her work with the IFU, Romana is a member of the Executive Board (former president) of AJUNEC (Belgian Fruit Juice Industry Association) and a member of AJUNEC delegation in AIJN (European Fruit Juice Industry Association). 

Romana has 15 years of extensive international experience in regulatory affairs (including Europe, Russia, Africa, Middle East, Asia and global responsibilities) by multinational food industrial companies. She has been working in PepsiCo since 2007. Romana holds a Master’s Degree (M.Sc.) in Food Science.



Methods of Analysis Commission Chair


Mikko Hofsommer, has been chairman of the IFU Method of Analysis Commission since 2011 where he is working with many colleagues from various countries on new standard analysis procedures which help in international trade and serve as a basis for regularly issues.

Mikkos background lies in Food Chemistry. He is the general manager of the company GfL a leading laboratory in the field of fruit and vegetable juice.


Science and Technology Commission Chair

Mario Gozzi has been a commission member since 2009 and was appointed Chairman in 2017. He has been working in the food processing equipment and technology business for over 18 years. After earning the Master Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Parma University in Italy, Mario Joined Rossi & Catelli in 1998 as head of the fruit and vegetables processing  Technical Department. From 2001 to 2005, Mario managed the R&D department  at Rossi & Catelli developing new technologies and patents in the fruit processing business. In 2006 the company acquired former competitors Manzini, and fillers manufacturers Comaco and Sima merging all these companies in to CFT group. At that stage Mario took responsibility for the North and South American market  as a Sales Manager continuing the long path of projects and relationship with this area of the world. 


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