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Useful Links

AIJN (European Fruit Juice Association)


Codex Alimentarius

EQCS (European Quality Control System for Juices and Nectars from Fruits and Vegetables, EEIG)

EU (European Union)

FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations)

FJA (Fruit Juice Australia)

FUS (Fruit-Union Swiss)

GfL - Gesellschaft für Lebensmittel-Forschung

JPA (Juice Products Association)

MEYED (Fruit Juice Industry Association)

NZJBA (New Zealand Juice & Beverage Association)

RSPS (Russian Union of Juice Producers)

SGF (Sure Global Fair)

UNIJUS (Union Nationale Interprofessionnelle des Jus de Fruits)

VdF (Verband der deutschen Fruchtsaft-Industrie e.v.)

Verband der Fruchtsaft Industrie Österreichs

V I G E F (Vereniging der Nederlandse Groenten en Fruitverwerkende Industrie)

WHO (World Health Organization)

WTO (World Trade Organization)

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