Subscription Fees for
Corporate Members
There are four categories of membership for Corporate Members:
You can decide yourself if you want to become a member in category I, II, II or IV – the higher your yearly subscription fee is, the more benefits you will have:
Free access to IFU methods for up to four employees of your company.Yearly subscription fee: 1.999€ *
Votes in the Assembly of Delegates: 1
*Instead of up to 8.000€ for non-members
Free access to IFU methods for up to nineteen employees of your company.Yearly subscription fee: 7.999€*
Votes in the Assembly of Delegates: 6
*Instead of up to 38.000€ for non-members
Free access to IFU methods for up to nine employees of your company.Yearly subscription fee: 3.999€*Votes in the Assembly of Delegates: 3
*Instead of up to 18.000€ for non-members
Free access to IFU methods for all employees of your company.Yearly subscription fee: 12.999€*Votes in the Assembly of Delegates: 9
*Instead of min. 40.000€ for non-members, for min. 20 working with IFU methods
Financial Benefits for Association Members
IFU Methods:
If you need access to IFU methods for more employees than included in your subscription fee, you can buy additional access:
For the entire collection of the IFU Methods of Analysis for a yearly fee of 599€ per employee (instead of 2.000€ for non-members)
For single methods for a yearly fee of 79€ per employee (instead of 259€ for non-members)
In addition, you will receive the following discount when buying methods (in addition to the member` price):
4 % being a Category II member
12 % being a Category III member
Discounts for Juice Summit and workshops for all employees of your association.
Discounts for marketing agencies, suppliers and laboratories:
10 % discount on the base price of all services of GfL Gesellschaft für Lebensmittel-Forschung**
GfL is a private counselling and service company which is autonomously and independently active for the entire foodprovides fast, qualified analyses and capable consultancy.
10 % discount on the base price of all services of Canadean**
** certain conditions apply