IFU Technical Workshop 2017 in Valencia, Spain
The IFU was delighted to share Valencia’s celebrations as FAO (Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations) World Food City 2017 by holding the technical workshop there as part of the official program of events. Located in one of Europe’s largest citrus growing and processing areas it was the perfect location to have a technical tour the day after the workshop to renowned local research centres (IVIA and AINIA) plus the modern orange processing plant, Zuvamesa.
The Astoria Palace was the workshop centre in the heart of the city where the roof top restaurant hosted our networking dinner and provided excellent panoramic birds eye views of Valencia including the magnificent cathedral.
The record number of participants were welcomed by the IFU President, Dirk Lansbergen (Citrosuco) who thanked the experts for their presentations and the sponsors for their generosity in supporting the event – GfL for the networking dinner, TransOcean and Zumosol who provided delicious juices throughout the workshop.
David Berryman (David Berryman Ltd) delivered a lively and energetic first presentation “When the going gets tough”. David reminded us that whilst the natural sugars in fruit juices are occasionally demonised, sugar is essential for good nutrition, energy and life! In tough market conditions innovation provides the opportunity for growth and product examples demonstrated this.
The session on Genetics was opened by Prof. Jose Mulet (University of Valencia). Genetic changes are responsible for the variety of crops harvested today due to natural evolution. It was argued that genetic modification, essential in pharmaceuticals, have an important role to play in future crop development and sustainability. Dr. Manual Talon (IVIA) provided an explanation of genetics and the genealogy of domesticated citrus varieties and how these have and may change in the future.
The second session titled Processing began with an explanation of ohmic heating by Mario Gozzi (CFT). The principles of the technology were explained. The benefits of ohmic heating vs. conventional heating were demonstrated with industrial applications. Jose Biot (JBTC) showed us that citrus peel from juice processing operations could be recovered and converted in to added value products such as ReadyGoTM d-limonene. Continuing this theme of sustainability from waste stream recovery the presentation from Dr. Carlos Bald (AZTI) covered how other products from citrus peel such as fibre (for baking), feed for aquaculture and bio fermentation processes could be obtained. Dr. Edgar Zimmer (Bucher Unipektin) presented how resins can be used in the orange juice stream after extraction for the treatment of defects such undesirable flavour characteristics because of HLB greening. Overall, resins can serve a useful function in the control of bitterness, acidity, astringency and stability. The session was concluded with Dr. Bianca May (University of Geisenheim) who demonstrated the influence processing aids (bentonite, activated charcoal and diatomite) may have on heavy metals in certain fruit juices, including apple. The presence of vanadium was also highlighted.
The third section covered Quality Assurance. Dr. Susanne Koswig (SGF) lead with information how the international organisation SGF provides quality assurance controls throughout the fruit juice supply chain to ensure only safe and authentic products reach the consumer. The SGF quality assurance programmes are based on audits and analytical controls. Whilst performance in the industry was generally good suppliers and buyers should remain vigilant and examples were provided what to look for. Leading onto more specific analytical testing Mikko Hofsommer (GfL and Chair of the IFU Methods of Analysis Commission) presented how cavity ring-down spectroscopy can play a role in the authenticity control of fruit juices by determining the carbon isotopes of sugar, added pectin in pineapple juice and added acid in lemon juice. The method could provide both repeatable and reproducible results. The risk assessment used by Codex Alimentarius for the determination of pesticide MRL’s is under review and can have a significant impact on pesticide applications on fruit and vegetables with new restrictions. Monika Richter (BASF) explained what the considerations were and how the review was taking place. Coconut water has become increasingly popular over the last few years due to its natural intrinsic properties. Whilst it is called a water it is classified as a juice in the Codex fruit juice and nectar standard. Addressing authenticity concerns of some commercially available products Dr. David Hammond (Eurofins) presented the new AIJN code of practice on the coconut water. This details the chemical profile of authentic product.
It had been requested to have more information again on Microbiology so Barbara Gerten (Merck) provided an overview on the microbiology of high pH (>4.5) juices including coconut water. There are greater challenges to control the microbiology of these type of products compared to the more prevalent higher ph juices. ACB (alicyclobacillus) was again discussed by Sophie Verdier (The Coca-Cola Company) who provided a review of how this organism can be introduced into the juice stream, how to control it when it is in juice and the spoilage mechanisms that may subsequently occur. The concept of the Ice Gen technology was shown by Annick Casier (Ice Gen). It is used for preparing NFC juices for bulk journeys in non-aseptic conditions by lowering the product temperature prior to loading. This can extend transit times and reduce the risk of microbial spoilage.
The workshop was wrapped up by Piet Haasen (Friesland Campina) and Peter Spaargaren (Doehler) who jointly presented the Sustainable Juice Covenant, which is about putting into action the AIJN Code of Business Conduct and is supported by idh, the sustainable trade initiative. The aim is to achieve sustainable juice by 2030 and the audience was encouraged to offer their support.
Copies of all the presentations are available for members and participants via the website www.ifu-fruitjuice.com
Save the date in the diary for next year, 19th March, 2018 in Cologne. Register here.